Thursday 22 October 2015

Wood Framing - Parts Visibility 1

Now, via parts, I have a direct control over walls in the structural model and elements that automatically update with each new architectural model.  The only thing I don't have is doors and windows showing.  If you're very attached to seeing these then this is likely not your preferred solution.  However, it suits me just fine.   With this method there is a lot less architectural plan items interrupting the display of items in my structural framing plans.

A few notes about parts.  No type properties, they don't recognise they're beginning or starting level with their properties unless set by yourself.  While we've gained direct control over these items in our model, we also need to implement a few minor workarounds.  Beginning with visibility.

As I mentioned previously, there are no door swings in the parts setup.  But in actual fact, parts in an upward cutting framing plan, have no visible openings at all. 

Upon closer inspection, we are able to see where opening should be.  The cut plane is set to cut at a height through doors / windows.  However, instead of clear openings what we are really looking up at is the projection of the wall above the doors and windows.  Hence an opening does not look "open".  The workaround for this falls back within our original scope, which was to have direct control over the visibility of "walls" in the structural model.

To fix this, in the visibility setting of Parts in Plan views and the Plan templates: Set Parts Projection line graphics Color to White.

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