Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Wood Framing - Parts Visibility 2

Continuing onward, we now have full visibility control over wood walls via Parts and they are displaying their openings correctly in an upward cutting plan.  As nice as this is, we can also see additional lines for each layer of the wall assembly in plan.

Ideally to keep a cleaner plan, we will go ahead and filter out all the extra layers and linework of the wall assembly.

We'll use a filter so that it can live in our template and also be applied to our default framing plan view template.

Depending upon the wall assembly setup in the architectural model this can be accomplished with as little as one filter.  We'll start with a filter applied to the Core assembly elements.

Typical wall assembly contains the structural bearing elements, the wood studs in this case, assigned as the "Core" of the assembly.  So the first filter named Parts-Core will be for Parts, filter by Construction, does not equal Core.   Add this filter to the view, and uncheck the visibility box. This filter will now hide all wall assembly layers NOT assigned to "core".

Sometimes, the single Parts-Core filter does not completely hide all layers of the wall assembly.  The architect occasionally places the sheathing layer within the "Core" assembly of some of the walls and a further filter (or alternate filter) will be required to hide this layer. 

The next filter is more of a catch-all filter and certainly can be your default choice for filtering architectural walls.  Generally I have a review of the wall assembly setups prior to assigning filters to the project view templates.
This filter named Parts-Substrate will be for Parts, filter by Thickness, is less than or equal to 19.0.   Add this filter to the view, and uncheck the visibility box. This filter will now hide all wall assembly layers having a thickness of 19mm or less. 

Once your filter is applied all the wood wall Parts will be displayed as desired with single line graphics.

Fully Filtered Parts in Plan


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