Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Revit Gifts

 Simple things that amuse simple minds continues....

Here's another sweet little addition to the ribbon.  This is definitely not helpful for everyone, but I definitely have a habit of editing content on the fly. Especially those new things I've just made and need tweaks,  I can have dozens of families open on a template editing day, now which I no longer be manually going back (scrolling that windows list) and then closing each one.
I'm all for eliminating repetitive work, so how about only writing SECTION once, instead of 200 times for everyone of those sections details you made?  Yes please.  So here we have title on sheet, now with the pull-down containing previously used text.

Again,within the properties dialogue, how about this fun little flyout showing text you can't completely see.  I was editing / deleting a portion of this text in a detail item family when this little flyout showed up,  Not only was I actually deleting the text, but I could see the complete string of text remaining highlighted in yellow.
Very nice indeed.

Now over the years I've spent much time playing that game, What version of Revit was this authored in?  Having received another model with no version designation in the naming convention.  It's kind like a roulette game, which one of the 4 versions of Revit shall I start with...maybe I'll get lucky!
Well thanks to this new dialogue box, I'll only have to try twice!

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