Thursday, 9 July 2015

How One Woman is Leading BC’s BIM Revolution

I was very honored to have Nevin Thompson feature me in an article for a few years ago.  Here's an excerpt of that article.
Despite the move towards LEED and green building technologies, architecture as a discipline can be a very conservative realm. AutoCAD software, first developed in 1977, still dominates even the largest engineering consultancies. Many architects still rely on paper to share designs.
This is in stark contrast to how the rest of the world has moved over the past 20 years and the explosion of the Internet. Information is virtually every other industry and profession is shared instantaneously. And over the past five years or so there is the expectation that collaboration be instantaneous as well.
BIM is aimed to change that.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) was introduced nearly ten years ago to distinguish the information rich architectural 3D modeling from the traditional 2D drawing. BIM is a building design methodology characterized by the creation and use of coordinated, internally consistent computable information about a building project in design and construction.
One woman is acting as a champion to help move Victoria – and even British Columbia – towards a BIM standard. Enter Tina Bos.
Go here to read the article in it's entirety

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